Personal Data Protection
The main aim of this website is to allow Internet users to search and consult a database consisting of information of a public nature about companies names, streets, telephone and fax numbers as well as a business classification of companies and natural persons carrying on their business activities.
The extraction of and any use not appropriate to the nature of these data are strictly forbidden.
Persons who have requested an ex-directory telephone number are not included in the tootel database.
However those relating to persons who have requested their removal are not included in the database either.
The commercial use of the content of the site by sale, rental, distribution or any other form of provision to third parties
and this use, for any commercial or other purpose whatsoever, as well as, more generally, any use other than purely internal such as
support for the legitimate activities of the user (for example to contact the companies searched for, to do its own invoicing,
to send mailings or other documents or parcels to its customers) are expressly forbidden. Furthermore any copying or reproduction of the content of the site is strictly forbidden.
The publisher, the distributor and the providers of data are expressly exempted from all liability for loss or damage caused by the inaccuracy of the public information and data that it contains,
except if the user can demonstrate the existence of serious fault or of fraud which is the direct cause of the loss or damage suffered.
In the event that the liability of the publisher and/or the distributor is established, they may only be held liable for the repayment of the purchase price paid by the Internet user to obtain this information from the tootel site. In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the Wollerau arrondissement have jurisdiction.
This information which appears on the tootel site can be removed by mail
Data Protection:
This file is the subject of a declaration to the Commission de la Protection de la Vie Privée (Data Protection Commission).
Any person who can prove his identity has the right to be informed of the data concerning him shown on this website as well as to the correction (without charge)
of any inaccurate personal information relating to him.
In the same way, any business who can prove his identity can request the removal of the data concerning himself.
In order for us to assure ourselves that the requests do in fact come from the business concerned, they should be made according to the following procedures:
• The removal of an entry from this database can be made by